Image for Mediha + Q&A


Mediha + Q&A15

This screening will be followed by a recorded Q&A with Executive Producer Emma Thompson and Director Hasan Oswald

Mediha is the story of one girl’s fight to find her missing family members, revealing the strength and determination of a young survivor as she reclaims her voice and future.

Mediha, a teenage Yazidi girl, turns her camera on herself to process her trauma after surviving ISIS captivity. As she bravely faces her past, Mediha and her younger brothers, Ghazwan and Adnan, now strive to rebuild their lives despite the uncertain fates of their father, mother, and baby brother.

The complexities of both local and global operations continue to hinder rescue efforts to this day. Eight years after the genocide, the siblings must rely on a network of rescuers in their quest to reunite their missing loved ones.

Over the course of three years across Iraq, Turkey, and Syria, the story highlights one girl’s extraordinary spirit.

Through her personal video-diaries, she confronts her pain as she initiates investigations into her captors. Mediha’s journey is one of courage and determination as she steps towards a future of justice and healing.


Mediha Ibrahim Alhamad


Hasan Oswald

Running Time

90 minutes
distressing scenes, sexual violence references, strong threat

Book Tickets

Platinum Members get priority booking – please sign in to access.

Public booking opens every Tuesday for the subsequent Friday to Thursday.

Mediha + Q&A15

Wed 11 Dec